Albany Village Homeowners and Residents,
It has been brought to our attention that many of the Rules and Regulations of the HOA are being ignored or overlooked. It is important to let everyone know that these things do not go unnoticed. It is important that everyone be respectful of the Community Rules so that all residents can equally enjoy being home.
A few items that need to be addressed:
1. Albany Village requires that all pets are on a leash at all times when outside of your home and backyard areas. This is in accordance with the Mesa City Code, and neighbors will be encouraged to report violations to the proper city authorities. Reminder that all Common Areas have a leash requirement.
2. Both city code and the Rules and Regulations of the HOA mandate that owners pick up after their pets. Dog stations for disposal of animal waste can be found throughout the property. Residents will also be encouraged to report failure to properly dispose of animal waste to the proper city authorities. Respect and courtesy are expected from every resident.
3. Trash and recycling cans may only be on the street at certain designated times. The cans should not be placed out for pickup or left after pickup for more than 24 hours. As a reminder, recycling is picked up on Tuesday and trash is picked up on Friday.
4. The main streets of Albany Village are owned by the city, and as such, legal parking spots are clearly marked. As a smaller community, parking is a challenge; however, as respectful and courteous neighbors, it is important everyone parks in designated parking areas only. Additionally, no parking is allowed in driveways/back alleyways, and as Albany Village property, these areas are immediate tow zones. Additional tow zones include the areas directly in front of U.S. Mailboxes and fire hydrants.
Thank you for choosing to live in the Albany Village Community. So many good things are taking place, and as the neighborhood continues to flourish, let’s all take a moment to appreciate our friends and neighbors. Remember, respect and courtesy for every resident is the expectation.
Let’s all keep Albany Village as nice as possible.